A comprehensive resource for voice care and vocal health. Our team of experts, led by renowned voice coach Stephen King, has curated a selection of videos that cover a wide range of topics, from anatomy and vocal health to business and branding.
20+ hours of evidence based content, delivered by experts, brought to your screen

What’s in the Curriculum
Building Bridges
In “Building Bridges,” Stephen covers advanced anatomy of the Larynx including the Arytenoids, vocal health principles, and what might be considered “continuing thinking” to help you better understand the complexities of the human voice. Within part three, there are some lovely visualisation and mentalisation exercises for use on you or your students.
Building bridges, advanced anatomy, part one
Building bridges, vocal health, part two
Building bridges, continuing thinking part three
The "how to" modules
Our “how to” videos, presented by Duncan Rock MSc, Lydia Hart SLT, Chloe Spencer M.Ost and Stephen King, provide insights into how to maximise your nutrition and supercharge your vocal health.
We also explore topics such as vocal tension assessment and integrating manual therapy into your vocal care routine, featuring Walt Fritz.
Throughout this module, the classist, racist history of posture is presented as well as the complexities of the placebo effect.
How to self vocal massage (Stephen King)
Laryngeal manipulation (Chloe Spencer M.Ost and Stephen King)
Stretching theory (Stephen King)
Advanced stretching (Stephen King)
Managing globus a bio, psychosocial perspective (Lydia Hart and Stephen King)
How to maximise your nutrition (Duncan Rock MSc)
How to supercharge your vocal health? (Lydia Hart SLT and Stephen King)
How to assess vocal tension (Stephen King)
How to integrate manual therapy (Walt Fritz and Stephen King)
Anatomy Inside Out
To truly understand the voice, it is essential to understand the anatomy that powers it. Our “Anatomy Inside Out” series, presented in three parts, takes you on a deep dive into the anatomy of the voice.
This series presents an overview of the intrinsic and extrinsic laryngeal muscles, the muscles of respiration, mastication and mimetics.
Anatomy Inside Out, one
Anatomy Inside Out, two
Anatomy, Inside Out, three
Fascia and Fascial Anatomy
We also explore the fascinating world of fascia anatomy in a series of videos, featuring Stephen King and Walt Fritz. In this series you will be guided through the world of fascia in detail. Walt Fritz PT joins Stephen King to address the claims and philosophical underpinnings of the myofascial narrative.
Fascia anatomy, part one
Fascia anatomy, part two
Fascia anatomy, part three
Beyond Fascia with Walt Fritz
Your teachers include:
Join us on a journey to discover the full potential of your voice with the King Curriculum.
And don’t forget to explore our “Systems Thinking and Second Order Cybernetics” video, presented by Stephen King, to learn how to think differently about the complex system that is the human voice.
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20+ hours of pre-recorded content from 2020 – 2022
Available to watch 24/7 via the “My Account” tab online
No live / assessment components
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