Vocal Massage Training

Providing the UK’s first and finest IN-PERSON Vocal Massage Training course for singing teachers, speech therapists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, doctors and other body workers.

✅ Get qualified and insured to practise as a Vocal Massage Therapist

✅ Add vocal massage to your existing skills as a practitioner, therapist or teacher

✅ Study in-person at our busy centre in London intensively or modularly

✅ Start helping people with their voices right away

Join a modular training:

Two days per month enables continued access to the learning and  practise time in between. Ideal for busy professionals, parents and carers to begin to learn and develop with this modality.

Each module costs £397 and will be paid six times. This is a cheaper option than the full 9 day intensive to help provide a lower price point to people wanting to learn vocal massage.

Intro to Vocal Massage

Module price: £397.00


Day 1 & 2

What will I learn?

1. Palpation of the soft tissue, cartilage and bone structures surrounding the vocal system. – Sternocleidomastoids – Submandibular region – Transverse processes of the Cervical Spine – Masseter – Temporalis

2. Exploring the Biopsychosocial philosophy in relation to Manual Therapy – Synthesising evidence based medicine, research and the story of the patient to maximum treatment outcomes

3. You will be working on the other participants in the group, and watch a clinical example with a real patient too. – Full PPE will be worn as per the government current guidance

4. Learn seated and supine protocol Ideal for those working in clinical and studio settings

The Jaw

Module price: £397.00


Day 3 & 4

What will I learn?

1. Palpation and treatment for the Jaw – Masseter – Temproalis – Buccinator – Pterygoid (external) – Digastric

2. Exploring the Anatomy, Pathology and various treatments associated with the Jaw including:
– Lock Jaw
– Translation or dislocation of the retrodiscal tissue Headaches
– Jaw tension in the singer / pro voice user

3. You will be working on the other participants in the group, and watch a clinical example with a real patient too.
– Full PPE will be worn as per the government current guidance

4. Learn seated and supine protocol. Ideal for those working in clinical and studio settings.

The Neck

Module price: £397.00


Day 5 & 6

What will I learn?

1. Palpation and treatment for the Neck region and postural muscles
– Trapezius
– Sternocleidomastoids
– Transverse Processes of the Cervical Spine
– Scalene

2. Exploring the Anatomy, Pathology and various treatments associated with the Neck including
– Arterial dissection
– Cervicogenic Headaches
– Whiplash
– Tortocollis
– Neck tension in the singer / pro voice user

3. You will be working on the other participants in the group, and watch a clinical example with a real patient too. – Full PPE will be worn as per the government current guidance

4. Learn seated and supine protocol. Ideal for those working in clinical and studio settings.

Intra-oral Treatments

Module price: £397.00


Day 7 & 8

What will I learn?

1. Palpation and treatment for the muscles inside the mouth
– Lateral Pterygoids
– Medial Pterygoids
– Tongue

2. Exploring the Anatomy, Pathology and various treatments for inside the mouth.
Trauma Aware lecture, sexual abuse, physical or emotional abuse and how we might consider these in our treatment plan.
– Tongue tie
– Increasing / restoring resonant capabilities in the singer or pro voice user

3. You will be working on the other participants in the group, and watch a clinical example with a real patient too.
– Full PPE will be worn as per the government current guidance.

4. Learn seated and supine protocol. Ideal for those working in clinical and studio settings.

Laryngeal Manipulation

Module price: £397.00


Day 9 & 10

What will I learn?

1. Palpation and treatment for the muscles and cartilage of the Larynx – Sternothyroid
– Sternohyoid
– Hyoid manipulation
– Cricothyroid
– Thyrohyoid membrane

2. Exploring the Anatomy, Pathology and various treatments for the Larynx. Revisiting trauma Aware lecture, sexual abuse, physical or emotional abuse and how we might consider these in our treatment plan “Lacking tilt” Muscle Tension Dysphonia Hoarseness Fatigue

3. You will be working on the other participants in the group, and watch a clinical example with a real patient too.
– Full PPE will be worn as per the government current guidance.

4. Learn seated and supine protocol. Ideal for those working in clinical and studio settings.

Advanced Laryngeal Manipulation

Module price: £397.00


Day 11 & 12

What will I learn?

These final two days include your assessment and treatment swaps to review the protocol and skills learnt in a guided environment.
After having done these days, including your assessment, you are then able to take this work and synthesise it into the work you are already doing.

1. Palpation of the soft tissue, cartilage and bone structures surrounding the vocal system. – Sternocleidomastoids – Submandibular region – Transverse processes of the Cervical Spine – Masseter – Temporalis

2. Exploring the Biopsychosocial philosophy in relation to Manual Therapy – Synthesising evidence based medicine, research and the story of the patient to maximum treatment outcomes

3. Learn seated and supine protocol Ideal for those working in clinical and studio settings

4. Palpation and treatment for the Jaw – Masseter – Temproalis – Buccinator – Pterygoid (external) – Digastric

5. Exploring the Anatomy, Pathology and various treatments associated with the Jaw including:
– Lock Jaw
– Translation or dislocation of the retrodiscal tissue Headaches
– Jaw tension in the singer / pro voice user

6. Palpation and treatment for the Neck region and postural muscles
– Trapezius
– Sternocleidomastoids
– Transverse Processes of the Cervical Spine
– Scalene

7. Exploring the Anatomy, Pathology and various treatments associated with the Neck including
– Arterial dissection
– Cervicogenic Headaches
– Whiplash
– Tortocollis
– Neck tension in the singer / pro voice user

8. Palpation and treatment for the muscles inside the mouth
– Lateral Pterygoids
– Medial Pterygoids
– Tongue

9. Exploring the Anatomy, Pathology and various treatments for inside the mouth.
Trauma Aware lecture, sexual abuse, physical or emotional abuse and how we might consider these in our treatment plan.
– Tongue tie
– Increasing / restoring resonant capabilities in the singer or pro voice user

10. Palpation and treatment for the muscles and cartilage of the Larynx – Sternothyroid
– Sternohyoid
– Hyoid manipulation
– Cricothyroid
– Thyrohyoid membrane

11. Exploring the Anatomy, Pathology and various treatments for the Larynx. Revisiting trauma Aware lecture, sexual abuse, physical or emotional abuse and how we might consider these in our treatment plan “Lacking tilt” Muscle Tension Dysphonia Hoarseness Fatigue

The current dates
for 2024

Modular 2 2024

Intro to Vocal Massage 23rd – 24th July

The Jaw 20th – 21st August

The Neck 24th – 25th September

Intra-oral Treatments  22nd – 23rd October

Laryngeal Manipulation  19th – 20th November

Advance Laryngeal Manipulation 17th – 18th December


Modular 1 2025 Brighton

Intro to Vocal Massage 12th – 13th April

The Jaw 3rd – 4th May

The Neck 14th – 15th June

Intra-oral Treatments  5th – 6th July

Laryngeal Manipulation  9th – 10th August

Advance Laryngeal Manipulation 6th – 7th October

Parents, carers or professionals who cannot get access to two days off in a row; contact us to arrange with your cohort a reduced schedule. As each 2 day module reduced to a 1 day module by splitting the group in half. This way, there is more 1-2-1 time and thus the learning ends up the same.

The cost for a 1 day module is still the same as a two day module.

All the London courses take place at the VOICE CARE CENTRE clinic location; 58 Broadwick Street, London and modules can be attended in any order.

How long is each day?

Each day runs from 0900 – 1500 sharp.

How many places are there?

There are only 5 students in each class to ensure high quality learning takes place.

Who can attend this course?

Anyone can attend this course, however if you do not meet the professional standards expected to continue the work safely, you will be asked to leave.

It is recommended that you have prior training in bodywork, and a knowledge of voice, as completing the course requires competency to practice safely.

Who can administer 'Vocal Massage'?

Massage Therapists, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Speech Therapists, Chiropractors and Doctors can all use Vocal Massage as part of their scope of practice. Increasingly, vocal coaches, voice teachers and vocal health specialists are including this work and these concepts into their current work

Those who wish to use this work in a clinical setting must be insured to do so. You can gain insurance by training with certain training providers in Manual Therapy/ Massage including this full course.

After certifying through the whole Vocal Massage Pathway, you can gain insurance to use this work.

Nobody holds the rights to manipulation or manipulative technique, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Doctors, and Manual Therapists who use these techniques are not the sole guardians of this style of therapy, as these techniques have been around for thousands of years. (Even Hippocrates, the founding father of Medicine around 460-355 B.C, wrote about setting joints by leverage and details the use of manipulation).

We are partnered with Westminster Indemnity Insurance to give you a comprehensive cover once graduated.


Course price: £2750.00

Intensive Vocal Massage Training

9 days, in-person (online option available, please enquire)

This is a 9 day full qualification that covers all of the 12 days of the modular training.

After having done the 9 days, including your assessment, you are then able to take this work and synthesise it into the work you are already doing. A reminder of what’s included over the 9 days:

Lectures and seminars on…

  • Pain science
  • Philosophy and dispositionalism in healthcare
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Laryngeal anatomy
  • Red flags, and clinical considerations
  • Placebo and nocebo
  • Designing a multidisciplinary plan for Globus

An introduction, discussion and theory session looking at the current evidence base for touch-based therapy, client/patient interaction models, current evidence base comparing manual therapy roles within a multidisciplinary setting, Vocal Health and the historic narratives of Myofascial Release and Vocal Massage.

1. Palpation of the soft tissue, cartilage and bone structures surrounding the vocal system. – Sternocleidomastoids – Submandibular region – Transverse processes of the Cervical Spine – Masseter – Temporalis

2. Exploring the Biopsychosocial philosophy in relation to Manual Therapy – Synthesising evidence based medicine, research and the story of the patient to maximum treatment outcomes

3. Learn seated and supine protocol Ideal for those working in clinical and studio settings

4. Palpation and treatment for the Jaw – Masseter – Temproalis – Buccinator – Pterygoid (external) – Digastric

5. Exploring the Anatomy, Pathology and various treatments associated with the Jaw including:
– Lock Jaw
– Translation or dislocation of the retrodiscal tissue
– Jaw tension in the singer / pro voice user / Headaches

6. Palpation and treatment for the Neck region and postural muscles
– Trapezius
– Sternocleidomastoids
– Transverse Processes of the Cervical Spine
– Scalene

7. Exploring the Anatomy, Pathology and various treatments associated with the Neck including
– Arterial dissection
– Cervicogenic Headaches
– Whiplash
– Tortocollis
– Neck tension in the singer / pro voice user

8. Palpation and treatment for the muscles inside the mouth
– Lateral Pterygoids
– Medial Pterygoids
– Tongue

9. Exploring the Anatomy, Pathology and various treatments for inside the mouth.
Trauma Aware lecture, sexual abuse, physical or emotional abuse and how we might consider these in our treatment plan.
– Tongue tie
– Increasing / restoring resonant capabilities in the singer or pro voice user

10. Palpation and treatment for the muscles and cartilage of the Larynx – Sternothyroid
– Sternohyoid
– Hyoid manipulation
– Cricothyroid
– Thyrohyoid membrane

11. Exploring the Anatomy, Pathology and various treatments for the Larynx. Revisiting trauma Aware lecture, sexual abuse, physical or emotional abuse and how we might consider these in our treatment plan, “Lacking tilt” and Muscle Tension Dysphonia as well as Hoarseness and Fatigue

Course price: £2750.00

2024 Intensive learning dates:


14th – 19th October inclusive 2024

19th – 24th July inclusive 2025

Postgraduate Intensive

Course price: £550.00

Postgraduate Vocal Massage Training

 Tools of the trade with Kinesiotape for Pain and Function Management

1 day, in-person

Use of tools and instruments can be an effective way to illicit change in the tissues through the contextual factors at play.

Get to work and learn with:

  • Tok Sen – ancient hammer and chisel technique
  • IASTM – Use of various gua sha tools 
  • LLLT – laser techniques with hand held laser
  • Dycem – using non stick to aid fascial work

There is an emerging body of research linking K-tape to effective pain management in the back, neck and even around the Larynx. This is ideal for those of you who wish to add this brilliant tool to your work, especially if you work with dancers or those in more physical professions.

The Ribs, Diaphragm and Digestion (Part 1 and 2)

2 days, in-person

The relationship between the diaphragm and the digestive system cannot be undervalued in the treatment and assessment of non organic vocal pathologies. Using new dermoneuromodulating techniques around the thoracic spine, intercostals, ribs, costal cartilage and abdominals, learn how to help in treating disordered breathing and respiratory tension. 

21-23rd October 2024 Advanced in London

Course price: £550.00

6-day accelerated

6-day accelerated qualification

If you have a group of 16-20 people who could benefit from this qualification in Vocal Massage, then we can facilitate an in person training course that comes to you.

We have trained speech therapists, osteopaths, massage therapists and vocal coaches from all around the world in our protocol based vocal massage interventions.

Vocal Massage Training Tutors

Stephen King

Voice users from all over the world trust Stephen with their vocal recovery and rehabilitation…

Kate Valentine
Vocal Massage Therapist and Trainer

Kate Valentine specialises in vocal massage, laryngeal manual therapy, vocal health, and injury prevention …

Robert Price
Vocal Massage Therapist, Trainer and Voice Teacher

Robert is one of London’s leading voice teachers with 20 years experience training actors in Britain and Ireland. A former actor in the Irish Theatre…


Hannah Campbell

‘Choosing to do the vocal massage training course with Stephen was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Not only is it a well-structured and informative course, but it is delivered in a way that makes you feel at ease and creates an extremely enjoyable learning environment. After the course, I felt confident and capable in vocal massage and began practicing straight away.’

Student Success: Edinburgh Voice Care

At Edinburgh voice care we follow a patient centred model. Each Vocal Massage is as important to us as it is to you, the patient is at the heart of every treatment. We tailor every massage around the patients specific needs.
We aim to have every patient leave with a feeling of calm and a greater connection to their body and voice.