Providing multidisciplinary voice therapy pathways to optimise your vocal health.
Our award winning Voice Care Centre is London’s first multidisciplinary centre for rehabilitating and maintaining your voice.
Both in-person and online, we specialise in improving the vocal health of complex diagnoses and symptoms that you may have. We help you to create voice rehabilitation treatment pathways with our multidisciplinary team, enabling more cost effective and time efficient management of your symptoms.
If the singer says they have a problem with their voice, they have a problem with their voice (even if ears can’t hear it, eyes can’t see it and machines can’t measure it).
Our treatments
Your Initial
If you have never booked with us before then you may wish to book your Initial Assessment. In the initial assessment, you will be triaged among our brilliant team of holistic and medical voice practitioners who will tailor a plan to get you to where you want to be.
Multidisciplinary Team
Kindness, empathy and active listening skills run through the hearts and minds of the specialist practitioners and healthcare professionals here at the VOICE CARE CENTRE. With free access to regular clinical supervision, continuing professional development opportunities and monthly multidisciplinary team meetings, the team are mentally, physically and intellectually equipped to engage in a complex therapeutic process with you.

To assist you on your journey of symptom recovery, we recommend the book, Help! I’ve Got a Voice Problem which attends to such questions as:
• What do I do if I have a voice problem?
• What help is out there for me?
• What caused my voice problem?
• What is the process of diagnosis like?
• How can I help myself whilst waiting for referral?

The beautiful Light Centre clinic is situated right in the heart of London, in Monument.
At the VOICE CARE CENTRE, our personal touches to the treatment mean that people trust us, and come back time and again to help keep their instrument in good working order. We have been trusted by some of the biggest names in entertainment both in the UK and across the world, across genre and profession, and so we too welcome you.
We work with all kinds of voice users, not just singers
Our breadth of knowledge in both the medical and artistic fields of voice mean that we can help a broad range of voice users including:
- Business people who are suffering vocal fatigue
- Professional voice users such as barristers, politicians and teachers
- Actors and spoken word artists who have lost flexibility in their voice
- Beatboxers who are feeling tense and tight
- Singers (classical, opera, musical theatre, pop/rock) experiencing a lack of power and access to range
- People in gender and vocal transition

We’re also in lots of different locations, not just London
So you can have greater access to IN-PERSON voice care across the UK, no matter where you are.

Vocal Massage and Singing Voice Rehabilitation are soon to be available IN-PERSON from our Devon expansion, run by Stephen.
It is important to us that each and every voice user has access to person centred, biopsychosoical care, no matter where you are in the UK.
Vocal Massage and the intensive Vocal Massage Training are soon to be available IN-PERSON from our Glasgow expansion from Kate.